

27 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

me pasaría, otra vez, toda la noche acariciando esa espalda. Besándola y sintiéndola.

Anónimo dijo...

no es asi originalmente .. .
que paso?

Anónimo dijo...

Eh? Qué???

Anónimo dijo...

digo, el post original, no era asi, le diste la baja, y despues lo volviste a subir con un minimo detalle, gudbai . ..

Vic dijo...

No lo recuerdo, evidentemente vos estás más pendiente que yo de esta foto...

quien quiera que seas...

Anónimo dijo...

un don nadie que anda perdiendo tiempo en la cybermierda . . .

sabemos, los dos quien soy.

Vic dijo...

Juro, juro, que no...

Anónimo dijo...

jura, pero algo en lo que creas . . .

Vic dijo...

Estoy buscando pero no encuentro, algo en que creer...

decime vos, ya que parece que me conocés lo suficiente. Extraño, extraño y misterioso anónimo.

Anónimo dijo...

apenas un poco te conozco gris como en la foto, que al paso que va, si fuera en papel, se pondria negro, oscuro.

i can`t remember anything . . .

Vic dijo...

I´m so intrigued...

Anónimo dijo...

king nothing babe, that`s me .. . .

so anonimous . . .

that`s scare . .

Anónimo dijo...

Ooooohhh... it´s not scary.


Vic dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

less than you .. . .

Vic dijo...

You know nothing about me.
That´s clear.

"For my will is as strong as yours
And my kingdom is as great

You have no power over me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anónimo dijo...

i don`t need power. . .

so i wish more fun . . ..

you`re so grey . . .

you need an another colors . .

Vic dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

maybe what?

still you have not looked for other colors? I believe that never you will do it
that you are looking for?
so many questions and a single answer...
you know the answer?

Vic dijo...

Oh, please!! Bless me with your infinit wisdom...

Maybe, maybe, just maybe I need another colors, but I´m not sure that I want them...

You say you know just a little of me, but you´re trying to teach me a life lesson... I don´t care about this kind of comunication.

You tell me who you are and we talk face to face, in the real world.

Anónimo dijo...

it forgets the sarcasm, this is single a a little gallant game, but a game to the aim

single I am a damn virtual personage the real world scares a little, I do not like and I am wanted to lower and to play the dream of the deliriums as a child

Vic dijo...

I´ve played that game for a short time myself.

I guess I should know you somehow, but I can´t really find out who you are.

Anónimo dijo...

I have my doubts that discovering to me it is really necessary in the real world, the colors are washed, and they approach the gray that seems to have invaded your soul

Anónimo dijo...

I´m just curious about what you see in me and why.

Anónimo dijo...

it is possible to be seen in your photos.
it looks for a reason at least to be glad.

not only it is not difficult, but that also is pleasant

Vic dijo...

Hope you´re not who I think you are.

Anónimo dijo...

single I saw a pair you of times

that I am